Android Studio 4.1 Beta 5 is now available in the Beta channel.

If you have Android Studio set up to receive updates on the Beta channel, you can get the update by choosing Help > Check for Updates (Android Studio > Check for Updates on macOS). Otherwise, you can download it here.

For information on new features and changes in all preview builds of Android Studio 4.1, see the Android Studio Preview release notes. For details of bugs fixed in each preview release, see previous entries on this blog.

We greatly appreciate your bug reports, which help us to make Android Studio better. If you encounter a problem, let us know by reporting a bug. Note that you can also vote for an existing issue to indicate that you are also affected by it.

General Fixes

Android Gradle Plugin
  • Issue #155318103: Post-tasks variant API: Adding manifest placeholders is broken and breaks the build from AGP 3.x to AGP 4.1.0-alpha08
  • Issue #160714171: ProductFlavor collections/maps are now immutable in AGP 4.1.0
  • Issue #156837289: Data Binding errors are lost with kapt
  • Issue #159878591: False positive lint check: "non-constant resource ID should not be used as annotation attribute"
Layout Editor Layout Inspector Lint
  • Issue #155088391: Can no longer specify layout_height and layout_width in a style