Android Studio 4.2 Canary 7 available
Android Studio 4.2 Canary 7 is now available in the Canary and Dev channels.
If you have Android Studio set to receive updates on the Canary or Dev channel, you can get the update by choosing ...
Additionally the issue below was addressed in this release but may not necessarily be fixed:
Import/Synclayout_constrainedWidth doesn't not work in Flow's children | 157681357 |
NPE 's in Flow | 162261507 |
layout_constraintDimensionRatio stays applied after a move to another ConstraintSet in MotionLayout | 140263105 |
MotionLayout drag doesn't work after fling in RecyclerView | 141319444 |
[ConstraintLayout 2.0.0-beta3] NPE when deriveConstraintsFrom is invalid. | 143549617 |
apply layout_height="wrap_content" app:layout_constrainedHeight="true" this view height is full of constraint size when onCreat . And Then swich the view GONE/VISIBLE , the size change to the expected result | 149427470 |
Flow height is bigger than it should be when its height is `wrap_content` | 158285666 |
NullPointerException | 161061411 |
Penultimate ImageView shifted when adding more rows | 161063291 |
single element in the chain don't have bias applied | 161741571 |
MotionLayout : adding views to Flow Helper | 150940641 |
Resize in textview when I scroll in customized MotionLayout | 155215198 |
MotionLayout firing callback endlessly with GlobalLayout | 158068868 |
[Feature-Request] Addition of MotionScene.Transistion::getId. | 160395303 |
Incorrect barrier and referenced view placement in 2.0.0-beta8 | 161156064 |
layout_width="wrap_content" on the parent does not work correctly when a child View has layout_constraintDimensionRatio and layout_constraintHeight_percent in 2.0.0-beta8 | 161826272 |
possible MotionLayout memory leak | 161926837 |
Annotate ConstraintLayout constructor context param as not nullable | 161926849 |
Android resource compilation failed after implementation 'constraint-layout:2.0.0-beta8' | 162011618 |
A new JVM resource compiler is now available in Android Gradle plugin 4.2. This tool replaces portions of the AAPT2 resource compiler, and can potentially improve build performance, especially on Windows machines.
To try out the JVM resource compiler, enable it in your project's
setting for dynamic feature modulesAndroid Gradle plugin 4.2 uses bundletool
1.0.0, which introduces a behavior
change for apps using dynamic feature modules: Any dynamic feature module
specified as dist:install-time
that's not explicitly marked as
will become non-removable by default. This new setting
optimizes fusing of install-time modules with the base module, potentially
improving app performance for some apps.
For more information on this new setting, see the documentation for the
tag in the documentation for
Dynamic feature module manifest.
Additionally the below issues were addressed in this release but may not necessarily be fixed:
Build VariantsThe System Trace UI in the Android Studio profiler now includes:
For more information, see the release notes.
This update also includes fixes for the following public issues:
Android Gradle Pluginspread_inside chain incorrect position | 160721889 |
Using transformPivotX in MotionScene causes NumberFormatException | 160100638 |
group visibility doesn't apply correctly in 2.0 beta 6 | 157599997 |
PlaceHolder wrap-content issue on 2.0.0-beta3 version | 145317510 |
PlaceHolder not working | 143233549 |
ResourcesImpl getIdentifier attempts to parse identifier name as integer for no apparent reason. | 155970557 |
Compile time check for a group referencing itself | 158112990 |
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with Constraint Flow on RecylcerView items | 156660902 |
First motions goes on false position | 146620824 |
transitionToStart() not as expected when transition change very quick | 154069247 |
MotionLayout still leaks nested scrollable view in its mScrollTarget field | 158941183 |
[MotionLayout] addTransitionListener throws NullPointerException | 159104189 |
Incorrect positioning of Barriers in 2.0.0-beta5 | 159540431 |
Bug: including unused barrier breaks preview + on-device layout | 157867784 |
Issue with ConstraintLayout barriers when using horizontal bias in 2.0.0-beta6 | 158585672 |
<OnClick> doesn't have the same behavior as MotionLayout.transitionToState(int) | 146010214 |
[2.0.0-beta4] MotionLayout calling transitionToEnd() in lifecycle methods bug | 151242173 |
[MotionLayout] No widget for XXXX exception is logged | 138261133 |
MotionLayout state reset during fragment transaction | 137174583 |
MotionLayout internal state is corrupted after using setProgress() too early in view lifecycle | 148330097 |
MotionLayout can not transition when naviagte back | 159582390 |
Weird status after coming back to MotionLayout | 137173765 |
[MotionLayout] OnSwipe doesn't work if finger moved slowly | 157424691 |
[MotionLayout] onTransitionCompleted doesn't work on api level 17 | 156853974 |