Android Studio 3.2 Beta 2 is now available in the Beta channel.

If you have Android Studio set up to receive updates on the Beta channel, you can get the update by choosing Help > Check for Updates (Android Studio > Check for Updates on Mac). Otherwise, you can download it here.

This update includes fixes for several bugs, including the following:
  • Resource configurations set with resConfigs were ignored when building an Android App Bundle.
  • Resource processing was incorrect in some cases when the minimum SDK target was specified to be the preview version.
  • Overrides set using the variant API were ignored when the version name and version code were published for dynamic feature modules for Android App Bundles.
  • D8 failed to read some ZIP files with special characters.
  • kotlin-stdlib-jre* artifacts are now deprecated, so kotlin-stdlib-jdk* are used instead.
  • Lint checks failed when an invalid issue ID was used in the XML lint configuration file.
  • Lint checks incorrectly reported some resources as unused if they were referenced through enum constructors.
  • It was impossible to disbale the Auto verify option for a deep link in the Navigation Editor.
  • Using the Rerun failed tests command in the Run window sometimes incorrectly returned the message "No tests were found".
  • A conflict between the Android Gradle Plugin and kapt caused errors with data binding. See Issue #110198434 for information about how other annotation processors may need to account for this issue.

For information on new features and changes in all preview builds of Android Studio 3.2, see the Android Studio Preview release notes. For details of bugs fixed in each preview release, see previous entries on this blog.

Jamal Eason, a product manager on the Android Developer Tools team, announced Android Studio 3.2 Beta in a post on the Android Developers blog.

We greatly appreciate your bug reports, which help us to make Android Studio better. If you encounter a problem, let us know by reporting a bug. Note that you can also vote for an existing issue to indicate that you are also affected by it.

Known issue: Missing javaCompilerTask error

When using Android Studio 3.2 Beta 1 and higher, you may get the following build error if your project uses the Protobuf Plugin for Gradle: No such property: javaCompilerTask for class: To resolve this issue, update the protobuf plugin to version 0.8.6 or higher. For more information, see Issue #110564407.