Release updates archive

Emulator 28.1.0 is now available in the Canary and Dev channels.

    implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.0.0-alpha3'


  • Barrier fixes
  • Chains optimizations
  • Fixed glitches in MotionLayout touch handling (end state could be triggered incorrectly)

Emulator 28.0.22 is now available in all channels.

Changes versus previous stable 28.0.20:
  • Fixed long-standing issue where in some settings, the Mac emulator would reboot or kernel panic on Quickboot save.
  • When using a mapped file as the RAM snapshot, the emulator now unmaps the file mapping explicitly on exit.

Emulator 28.0.22 is now available in the Canary and Dev channels.

Change ...

Android Studio 3.3 Release Candidate 3 (RC3) is now available in the Beta channel.

If you have Android Studio set up to receive updates on the Beta channel, you can get the update by choosing ...

Android Studio 3.4 Canary 9 is now available in the Canary and Dev channels.

If you have Android Studio set to receive updates on the  Canary or Dev channel, you can get the update by choosing ...

Android Studio 3.4 Canary 8 is now available in the Canary and Dev channels.

If you have Android Studio set to receive updates on the  Canary or Dev channel, you can get the update by choosing ...

Emulator 28.0.21 is now available in the Canary and Dev channels.


Emulator 28.0.20 is now available in all channels. This is a maintenance release to fix issues both longstanding and arising from 28.0.16.

Changes versus the previous stable version (28.0.16):
  • Fixed freeze on snapshot load on Windows with certain models of Intel GPUs.
  • Fixed unauthorized ADB device state when using a non-standard ANDROID_SDK_HOME location.
  • Fixed crash when booting system images with CPU acceleration disabled on Windows.
  • Fixed pixelated emulator display. Downsampling should now be working.
  • Fixed an issue in macOS 10.14+ where the virtual scene camera mouselook control could become too sensitive due to an interaction with new accessibility security settings.
  • Fixed an error in timezone calculation that could result sporadically incorrect setting of the emulator clock.
  • Fixed rendering errors in various cocos2d and Unreal engine apps.
  • Added support in the emulator for Wi-Fi peer-to-peer. Two emulators can now talk to each other directly via Wi-Fi if using the latest Pie Play Store image. To use, start two AVDs with the same -wifi-server-port and -wifi-client-port arguments:
    • emulator @<server-avd-name> -wifi-server-port 9999
    • emulator @<client-avd-name> -wifi-client-port 9999
  • Added support for more webcams on Windows by taking any incompatible frame sizes and dynamically resizing them to fit the camera setting in the Android guest.

Emulator 28.0.20 is now available in the Canary and Dev channels.

There is a single change to fix a late breaking issue:

  • Fixed an issue when running the emulator in OpenGL ES 3.1 mode where shaders would fail to link.

Emulator 28.0.19 is now available in the Canary and Dev channels.

  • Fixed an issue in macOS 10.14+ where the virtual scene camera mouselook control could become too sensitive due to an interaction with new accessibility security settings.
  • Fixed an error in timezone calculation that could result sporadically incorrect setting of the emulator clock.
  • Fixed rendering errors in various cocos2d and Unreal engine apps. If you are interested in or are currently using the emulator for game development, we are interested in making that experience as high fidelity as possible and would appreciate feedback in Issuetracker.

Android Studio 3.3 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) is now available in the Beta channel.

If you have Android Studio set up to receive updates on the Beta channel, you can get the update by choosing ...

Android Studio 3.4 Canary 7 is now available in the Canary and Dev channels.

If you have Android Studio set to receive updates on the  Canary or Dev channel, you can get the update by choosing ...