The incremental update patcher does not work in Canary 15. Meaning to move to the next preview version, you will need to download a fresh new copy. The update should be fixed in future releases.
The app inspectors (e.g. database inspects, layout inspects, etc), do not launch. We plan to fix this in the next release. There is a workaround posted here if you need these tools.
Clangd still needs a conversion to a universal binary, and consequently building a C++ development does not work. We have a plan to fix these in subsequent releases.
SDK Manager filters out some packages with native libraries (eg. NDK Side-by-Side, CMake)
There are several SDK packages (e.g. build-tools & platform-tools) that are currently only available as x86_64 architecture binaries
The NDK is currently only available with x86_64 architecture binaires.
In the Android Emulator the location Extended Controls does not use the Google Maps interface.
When closing the Android Emulator, it sometimes re-prompts you to save a snapshot even though you have the setting saved.
The Android Emulator only works with API 30 and API S Developer Preview emulator system images.
The Android Virtual Device (AVD) Manager recommends the correct arm64 compatible emulator system images, but has an extraneous red error message suggesting to use x86 system images.