Friday, October 18, 2019

Emulator 29.2.5 Canary

Emulator 29.2.5 is now available in the Canary and Dev channels. Changes:
  • Fixed potential emulator freezes related to gralloc buffer destruction.
  • Improved performance of glMapBufferRange and glUnmapBuffer (requires new system image).
  • Fixed potential issues with ADB APK installer / file pusher UI code not running on the UI thread.
  • Wear AVDs now default to using the AC charger.
  • For API < 16, we now force host side rendering (either with host GPU or Swiftshader). This should resolve issues with black screens on these images.
  • Fixed issue when emulator would get stuck closing if a gRPC endpoint was created.
  • Whenever the emulator has a fatal abort message, we now print in the console in addition to generating the crash report dialog. This should make such events more visible.
AMD users on Windows: Since 29.2.4, we've made a preview of a hypervisor that does not require using Hyper-V and has performance on par with HAXM. Sideload link
  • Be on an AMD CPU.
  • Ensure that WHPX/Hyper-V are disabled. This requires a system restart.
  • Running the silent install script will install the hypervisor driver.
  • The emulator should be able to run after that, assuming it is 29.2.3 or later.
  • Running the silent install script with -u will uninstall the driver.
  • In a future Studio canary, we will make this hypervisor driver available in the SDK manager.
Since last week, we've also made the following changes to the Container Scripts (background):
  • Authentication is now required to use the remote streaming emulator. This is an extra step, but it makes it easier to stream the emulator in more environments.
  • Cleaned up and updated documentation.
  • Known issue: Note that while the streaming client can be built and used on macOS, the containers themselves are not intended for running on macOS as nested CPU virtualization is required, which is not currently supported in macOS Docker.