Friday, April 26, 2019

ConstraintLayout 2.0.0 alpha 5

We just released ConstraintLayout 2.0.0 alpha 5. It’s available from the google maven repository:

dependencies {
  implementation ''

or if using the AndroidX packages:

dependencies {
   implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.0.0-alpha5'

Documentation is available on

Examples are available on


This release contains various bug fixes and performance improvements:

  • New: Flow virtual layout

  • Various fixes (layout updates)
  • Auto transition (autoTransition)
  • Derived Constraints (deriveConstraintsFrom)
  • OnSwipe regions (touchRegionId)
  • MotionTarget matching (layout_constraintTag, motionTarget)
  • OnSwipe without automatically completing (autoComplete=”false”)
  • If OnClick has no target id the MotionLayout is targeted

Flow Virtual layout

Flow is a virtual layout. It can be used within a ConstraintLayout and supports multiple ways of laying out the referenced widgets (create a single chain, or multiple chains to wrap around, or a table). The advantages of being a virtual layout compared to a normal viewgroups are that:

  • The layout hierarchy remains flat, simplifying runtime manipulations and animations
  • You can constrain the Flow widget as you would any other view.
  • You can constrain other views to views laid out by Flow.
  • Within MotionLayout you can animate views into and out of a flow virtual layout, change its orientation, etc.

Flow will lay out widgets either horizontally or vertically, depending on the value of the android:orientation attribute. The next important attribute to set is flow_wrapMode, which will control how the referenced widgets are laid out in the given orientation:

  • app:flow_wrapMode = “none” will create a single chain out of the referenced elements (default)
  • app:flow_wrapMode = “chain” will create multiple chains (one after the other) if the referenced elements do not fit in the available space
  • app:flow_wrapMode = “aligned” is a bit similar to wrap chain, but will align the elements, basically creating rows and columns

The way elements are positioned for the other orientation is controlled by flow_horizontalAlign and flow_verticalAlign attributes. For example, if specifying a horizontal orientation, use flow_verticalAlign to control the vertical positioning of the elements being laid out.
  • android:orientation = “horizontal|vertical” (default horizontal)
  • app:flow_horizontalStyle = "spread|spread_inside|packed" (default spread)
  • app:flow_verticalStyle = "spread|spread_inside|packed" (default spread)
  • app:flow_horizontalBias = "float" (default 0.5)
  • app:flow_verticalBias = "float" (default 0.5)
  • app:flow_horizontalGap = "dimension" (default 0)
  • app:flow_verticalGap = "dimension" (default 0)
  • app:flow_horizontalAlign = "start|end|center" (default center)
  • app:flow_verticalAlign = "top|bottom|center|baseline” (default center)
  • app:flow_maxElementsWrap = "integer" (default : 0, not applied)

New features of MotionLayout

We also added several new features to MotionLayout.

Auto Transition

Transitions can be made to automatically fire when MotionLayout reaches a state associated with that transition.
  • none - default value no transitions automatically
  • animateToStart - animate to the start state if you are at the end state
  • animateToEnd - animate to the end state if you are at the start state
  • jumpToEnd - Jump to the start state if you are at the start state
  • jumpToStart - Jump to the end state if you are at the end state

These can be combined to allow jumping to the end but smooth transition to the start.


Derived Constraints

Constraint sets can now be derived from other constraints sets. This can greatly reduce xml size. In a <ConstraintSet> can now have an attribute deriveConstraintsFrom which allows you to specify the id of another constraint set. This is useful for generating a series of constraints that only have small variations between them.

  • A constraint set represents the complete set of constraints for a layout
  • This works well in conjunction with the newer PropertySet, Layout, Transform syntax
  • All ConstraintSets derive from from the MotionLayout by default

<!-- Content of layout file  -->
<ConstraintSet android:id="@+id/base">

<!-- Layout file but override visibility of region1 (region1 now gone ) -->
<ConstraintSet android:id="@+id/state1">

<!-- State1 (above) but override visibility of region2 (both region1 & region2 gone) -->
<ConstraintSet android:id="@+id/state2"

OnSwipe regions

OnSwipe now takes an attribute touchRegionId which limits the starting point of the bounds of that view.

  • The view pointed to by the id can be invisible
  • Quite often the region is the same as the anchor.
  • This allows two Transition swipes to be in effect in the same direction normally each transition is in a different direction.

  motion:touchAnchorSide="top" />

Swipe without autocomplete

OnSwipe Automatically completes the transition choosing the direction and animating smoothly to a stop. Sometimes this feature is not desired and can be turned off.

You can use this to implement things like a custom slider.
  motion:touchAnchorSide="right" />