Thursday, April 4, 2019

ConstraintLayout 2.0.0 alpha 4

We just released ConstraintLayout 2.0.0 alpha 4. It’s available from the google maven repository:

dependencies {
  implementation ''

or if using the AndroidX packages:

dependencies {
   implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.0.0-alpha4'

Documentation is available on


This release contains various bug fixes and performance improvements:


  • Dynamic feature modules fix when using barriers and helpers
  • Chain fixes (bias with gone elements, RTL fixes)
  • Barrier fixes (RTL behavior, now can use a margin on a Barrier)
  • match_constraints fixes (max support, bias, percent…)
  • setTag/getTag on Group was fixed
  • ConstraintSet::setGoneMargin() for Top/Bottom
  • baseline behavior on gone
  • wrap behavior fixes


  • Visibility fixes
  • Flickering issues / jump issues fixed
  • Various match_constraints issues fixed
  • Custom color interpolation (alpha was incorrectly handled)
  • Better barrier / helpers support

New Features

We also added several new features to MotionLayout:
  • Richer behaviors for OnClick actions
  • CustomAttributes support for customPixelDimensions
  • ImageFilterView overlay support
  • KeyTrigger collision support
  • Attributes rename


OnClick now supports a richer set of behaviours
  • Toggle -  animate back and forth ( = transitionToEnd|transitionToStart)
  • transitionToEnd - animate to the end state
  • transitionToStart - animate to the start state
  • jumpToEnd - Jump to the end state
  • jumpToStart - Jump to the start state

These can be combined to allow jumping to the end but smooth transition to the start.

<OnClick motion:targetId="@id/button_west"
<OnClick motion:targetId="@id/button_south"


Used when the method takes pixels such as setTextSize(...)

  motion:customPixelDimension="2dp" />


New tag overlay - true(default) / false affects crossfade behaviour set to false to crossfade transparent objects.

KeyTrigger collision support

You can fire a  KeyTrigger on collision with another view.
  motion:motion_triggerOnCollision ="@id/button2"
  • motion_triggerOnCollision - Id of view to check collision with
  • motion_postLayoutCollision tested including layout or layout+transform
  • onPositiveCross Trigger on entering collision state
  • onNegativeCross Trigger on leaving the collision state
  • onCross Trigger on entering or leaving the collision state


To minimize the chance of name clashes with 3p libraries we have renamed attributes that were clashing or had a good chance of clashing.

  app:target="@+id/button" />
  app:targetId="@+id/button" />
 In <OnClick>
In <OnClick>
 In <Key*
  In <Key*