Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Android SDK Tools Revision 25.3.0 (Feb 2017)

We have just released Android SDK Tools 25.3.0 to the canary channel to give developers an early look at some of our changes.

  • Android SDK Platform-tools revision 24 or later.

  • Android Emulator is removed from this package and moved to a different SDK directory. See the new Android Emulator Release Notes. This change is backward compatible with older studio versions.
  • "android avd" command-line functionality replaced with new avdmanager tool.
  • Obsolete/deprecated tools have been removed:
    • android
    • ddms
    • draw9patch
    • hierarchyviewer
    • traceview
    • ant scripts
    • Project and activity templates
  • Executables have been moved to bin/
    • jobb
    • lint
    • monkeyrunner
    • screenshot2
    • Uiautomatorviewer
  • Enhanced sdkmanager
    • View and accept all licenses from the command line
    • Improved verbose-mode package list

Please file feedback on for any issues you find in this update.

Post Updates:
  • February 9: 
    • It appears the verbose mode did not make it into this release and should come in the next update. [bug: 229373]
    • Running "avdmanager --list" results in a ClassCastException [bug: 233816]